
The Automotive division delivers personalized solutions and materials designed to meet the specific needs of the sector.


In order to meet the growing demand for efficiency in the automotive and transportation sector, in an era where lightweight materials are no longer a luxury but a necessity.

Our sandwich and composite panels are ensuring a perfect balance between structural integrity and weight efficiency to optimize fuel efficiency, enhancing vehicle performance, and reducing overall operational costs.ABET HTS panels find versatile applications from enhancing the interior finishes of buses to serving as thermal-efficient cell paneling in refrigerated trucks. Moreover, our extensive range of products can be enriched with diverse materials such as HPL, PVC, and varnish to provide additional enhancements.

  • Furniture (seats/tables)
  • Flooring
  • Luggage racks
  • Under windows
  • Containers and positioners
  • Battery Casing
  • Refrigerated Truck Cells